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Match Museum

Experience the history of match from its invention to industrial mass production.

Visit the Swiss Match Museum in the former Bally Prior Museum in Schönenwerd and experience the interesting history of 150 years of the Swiss match industry.

The museum offers a unique opportunity to experience the fascinating development of the match industry at first hand. From humble beginnings to modern manufacturing processes, visitors can explore the innovations and impact of these small but significant objects on society.

See how technology and manufacturing methods have changed over the years and immerse yourself in the captivating world of matches. From the handmade examples of the 19th century to the state-of-the-art production facilities of today, the Schönenwerd Match Museum offers a comprehensive journey through the history and significance of this everyday object.

The museum is not only a place of history, but also a place of education and amazement. With interactive exhibits and informative guided tours, the museum offers an entertaining experience for visitors of all ages.

Plan your visit to the Schönenwerd Match Museum today and discover the fascinating world of matches! Learn more